1) First time picking a fresh apple off the tree and eating it. And the 2nd, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh too. She was a big fan of this activity.
2) First bonfire
3) First time falling directly into a bonfire. Thank you so much Steve for the quick grabbing hands and Oh Good Heavens My Heart, was that actually sparks in my baby's hair! She's totally fine, not a mark on her.
4) First time sleeping in a tent. We tried when she was eight months, but she didn't sleep at all
5) First time falling down the same flight of stairs twice in the same hour. Yep. Also fine, no damage
6) First time sitting on a dock dangling her feet in the water
For Liam, who is ten, I think that that might have been his first slingshot. (sorry Greg and Kristen, we had to have it) And wow, was it cool, I could have played with it all day. A sweet rubber part, with a leather pouch for holding the ammo and an arm guard for stability. Really sweet.
Toy wise, there was also a bevy of foam airplanes, some new bubble blowers, some wicked cool pirate hats (to be seen later this week) and some really unfortunate balloons. I had no idea that a couple of balloons could cause half an hour of crying, wailing, toddler chaos as everyone tried to claim their favourite. Let me tell you when the kids went to sleep, those balloons were quietly popped and disposed of!
For the adults, there was some great cards played, some kung fu video action and a lot of beer and wine. Len and I also fit in some very quick antiquing in Hastings.
So, that's our cottage week. Stay tuned all week for photos and more details.
Uh, when did Liam get so grown up? And so handsome? What happened to the kid with the bear ears? Looks like you guys had fun!
Balloons are not a young child's toy...they bite them, it breaks, they startle, inhale the part or whole balloon and suffocate....due to many deaths and lawsuits, most packages here now have a warning.. "not a child toy" They are banned in our child care and education centers. I know, I can not help myself from sharing info :-) ~AR
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