Thursday, July 1, 2010

Adara's Canada Day

Canada Day in East York (our area of Toronto) didn't happen last year due to the garbage strike. So this year is the first year that Adara really got to partake in the festivities of Canada Day, or what we called a big party for everyone, as the whole Canada Day thing just wasn't getting through to her.
And partake she did!

She had her very first carnival rides including a merry go round that kept breaking and a great little train that she rode on all by herself with no concern whatsoever. She was completely thrilled with both the rides and laughed her head off the first time that she went on the train.

She also played her first carnival game and won her first carnival toy, a little stuffed oranage dog that she is absolutely in love with. The game was picking three rubber duckies out of a stream and you won whatever sized toy the most duckies said. I suspect that the carnival lady cheated on our behalf as all of her duckies said "small" and the toy isn't so small by carnival standards!

She also played in the big splash pad, danced with the Greek community, ate a whole hot dog by herself and an entire ice cream cone.

All in all it was a pretty great day with very little in terms of meltdowns. Happy Canada Day to that!


Kristen said...

She's so adorable. Wish I could have been there.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a perfect day with wonderful family memories made! ~AR

Anonymous said...

If you ever want to come up fall fair weekend in Ripley-the last weekend in September every year, Adara looks like she would have a blast!!