Monday, March 15, 2010

Eyes and Noses and Teeth, Oh My

Well, it was a pretty eventful week of rest between one job and the next. Here's a picture of St. Anne's spa where I spent two lovely days with Heather.

I had a Thai massage, we ate great food, we hiked, we laid in various hot tubs, we drank and I kicked Heather's butt at scrabble in this empty, gorgeous,late night, old farmhouse. It rocked! Thanks to Len for making it happen and Heather for being my partner in crime.
And then, in my last twenty minutes at St. Anne's spa, I threw up. No idea why, had a sore tummy for the next two days.
So, the lovely Heather drove me home, where I found a baby and husband with colds. And, oh yes, a baby with pink eye too. Sigh, so much for relaxing. Adara was home with us Monday, tuesday and wednesday and Len ended up home taking care of both of us too.
By Friday Adara was better and so I spent a lovely afternoon at another spa, Body Blitz, as someone had given me a gift certificate long ago. I was relaxed and had lots of time to think and prepare for my new gig.
And then on Saturday, Adara knocked a tooth out. Well, not actually out, just at a really odd angle with lots of blood and four bite marks through the lip. We had an emergency dentist trip and he said "wait and see, it might stay in, it might fall out, don't really know". I'm making him sound unhelpful 'cause it's fun, but really he was very nice, saw us 20 minutes before closing and distracted Adara nicely with a choice selection of stickers.
So, that's my relaxing week, all of which led me to this today...

The lovely new building of my lovely new job. I'm pretty excited, all in all.


gretel said...

quite a week! Glad the puke was at the end of the spa vacation, not the beginning! Congratulations and all my best in the new job!

Anonymous said...

well, now Adara belongs to the elite club in our family Grammy, Blair, Lana...tell me the pros at that age-at least no $1,000 root canals, but if it falls out,then what?? I also need to here more about this new job!!?? Where, what? And you, hope that stomach stuff was short lived!/SP

Kristen said...

Oh dear--- poor baby girl. Poppa and Grammy are worried that she'll be toothless til she's 9! k