Saturday, September 25, 2010

Jury Duty (advance notice, I'm whining here people, whining)

So, I went in for jury duty as called at the beginning of this week. Everyone I know who had been called sat and worked on their laptops all week waiting to be chosen for a jury and was sent home. So I was expecting that and thinking, "Ok, I can still launch my eight show season from the jury room, this is doable". But no, not for me. I got put on a jury pretty much right away. Which means that all this week from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm I'm in the courtroom listening to witnesses. At night I'm racing home, spending time with Adara and then trying to get my real job done. I'm completely overwhelmed and Len is working crazy hours too. I haven't cried this much from stress since university. I get that this is my civic duty and all, but all the rest of the jurors are just being jurors, not running a company too. Anyways, that's my whinge for today. It will all be done on tuesday or wednesday if we can agree on if he's guilty or not. Then, back to regularly scheduled programming.


Auntie K said...

Sometimes being a responsible citizen sucks, eh? Hopefully this is a rotating roster and your number won't come up again for another 33 years!

Anonymous said...

Hope you get your emotions in control enough to make an informed and logical vote :-0