Sunday, June 28, 2009


Adara has been... shall we say challenging the last few days. Big screaming fits, refusing to do things, asking for things then throwing them at you when you give them to her. Three days of this now. Last night after battling with her for an hour to get an extraordinarily dirty baby into the bath tub, I just started crying. She stopped crying, brought her naked, very dirty self over to me, patted her chest and said" Me baby". Patted my chest and said "You mamma, no crying" and smiled. I'm not sure if the message really meant 'Mammas don't cry" but I'm choosing to take it as more of " I love you, so don't cry". It's a better message for me, and the angelic smile suggests that that's what it meant. She then spent the next 20 minutes telling me "baby jokes' which mostly consist of pretending to hiccup, burp and fart to cheer me up. A sweet effort but there's was still no way in *&$^* that she was getting in the bathtub, tears or no tears!


Julia Hale said...

If it's any consolation - she's clearly a genius. Mom swears by "The Strong Willed Child" - I don't know if you can get it from the library. She said it saved her life with Isaac.

gretel said...

Oh dear. hang in there. Today I ran into a neighbour on the sidewalk with her two kids. (baby in stroller and 4 year old having tantrum). She walked over to me and burst into tears. They do drive us mental sometimes. All I can suggest is to lower your expectations of yourself and when you can, just walk away. Self-preservation? Thinking of you!

Do you need a supercape, too?