Monday, August 4, 2008

The Shingling Fairy?

My sister, her husband and their son (who's 8) came this weekend to take care of Adara so that Len and I could have our first overnight away since she was born. Len and I left on Saturday and drove leisurely to Kingston, stopping in many antiques places on the way. In Kingston we had a beautiful fine dining experience and went to a movie, two things that are impossible to do with Adara right now. We based our weekend around "things that can't be done with Adara".
In the meanwhile, Kristen, Greg and Liam arrived, bringing copious amounts of food and beer with them (all of the meat and cheese variety, my family's favourite two food groups!) In the course of 36 hours they collectively took care of our baby, did two loads of laundry and shingled our new garage! These are the kind of babysitters that everyone should have! The laundry fairy and shingling fairy variety! My sister has asked me to point out that their services are not for hire as several of my friends blogs indicate a strong need for laundry and odd job fairies! :)

As you can see from the pictures, Liam and Adara had an awesome time! They played far rougher then she's every played, and we could tell when we came home that Liam has become Adara's "favourite person". He is the source of all fun and games as far as she is concerned.
Everyone played so hard, that this is how they looked on Sunday morning. I love this pic. Adara is fitting right in with her family, lounging in front of the tv on a sunday morning while figuring out their plans for the day.
I noticed in writing this that there are no pictures of my sister and Adara. Tells you a bit about who was taking all of the lovely pics, huh?
The whole weekend got me thinking about family and how lucky I am. Friends too. In the past year everyone has really been putting out a lot of effort to make sure that we're ok with our new family life. Thanks guys, you all rock!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what kendra and len fail to say here is that they were hugely helpful when Liam was a babe and that if we ever needed anything they would be amongst the first to show up! We loved having Adara and can't wait to see her reaction to the bagpipes.