Happy 10 months Adara my sweet monkey! And welcome to the world of the bipedal!
Yep, that's right you decided to take your first steps (three of them in a row, actually) on your 10 month birthday. I'm sad because you decided to do this trick while a quarter of the globe away from me in Alberta. I'm happy cause you rock rockstar and I'm ridiculously stupidly proud of you! I'm proud like no other baby has ever walked before kinda proud! You (of course) pulled out your walking tricks because you needed to get to your daddy, right now! Sometimes crawling just won't do!
It's been a busy month for the whole family little one. I went back to work but you seem to have taken it in stride reasonably well. You and daddy have worked out your own system and you seem to be having a lot of fun.
This month you are becoming much more toddler-y then baby like. (you can't say baby-y, it works even less well then toddler-y) You're super curious about the world and can't possibly slow down to wait for us.
This months major events have included
1) crawling around for an hour on the floor of a Sears while mommy and daddy desperately tried to buy a dresser and mommy got nasty looks for being a bad mamma
2) Camping in the freezing cold, pouring rain
3) Crawling around in the mud at the campsite, while no one gave your mommy nasty looks 'cause their kids were as dirty as you
4) Giving up baby food, in favour of anything on our plates. Sausage, chicken, tomatoes, curried potatoes, whatever it happens to be, you'll take it, as long as it came from our plates
5) Opening the patio screen door, throwing your toys out onto the deck in front of you, crawling out, and closing the door behind you. Often. Whenever no one's looking... which of course never happens in this house...
Less charming new things this month include crying desperately, while lying on the floor with your head down, whenever your father or I leave the room. Dude! We are right here, but sometimes we gotta go to the bathroom! I promise that we'll be back.
You've also taken to sobbing desperately every time we pass a playground and don't stop at the swings. We don't even have to go past the playgrounds now, you know where they are and start crying when we take turns to avoid walking past them.
But generally speaking, you're pretty cool right now. Quick with smiles and giggles, you love to be the centre of attention and preferably the life of the party.
Right now you're off seeing your Stannard family, and I couldn't be happier that they finally get to see you. But I miss you terribly and can't wait for you to come back. I'm so proud of you baby girl, and can't wait to see what the next two months leading up to your first birthday hold.
Happy birthday Bella!