Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Tree

A few weeks back we finally got around to putting up the Christmas tree along with the help of my good friend Lisa.
The carols were on the stereo, the hot chocolate (and wine) was out along with the dark chocolate. It was a red letter evening.
As always, Adara was a big fan of the box that the tree comes in. It's a great little house.

And I, after a lovely and lengthy evening of tree decorating and imbibing found myself sleeping in front of my gorgeous tree. Some traditions never get old!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Preparing to Skate

The first time skating requires a lot of planning and preparation. The new skates from Auntie kristen, Uncle Greg and Liam had to be tried on. The helmet had to be adjusted and had a face plate added. Everything had to be sharpened. It was all very important.
In the end Adara was thrilled with her first skate, but my back was nearly broken by the enterprise!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Baking Cookies

Adara and I have been doing a little cookie baking lately. So far we've made vanilla sugar cookies and peanut butter, toffee cookies.

The lovely Dennnie bought Adara her own apron which she loves to wear as we go to our mixing and arranging. She's so darned determined to crack the egg on her own though! Do you guys remember what a victory that was the first time you succesfully cracked an egg?